PIERO FOGLIATI: L'immagine nella rêverie
November 27th, 2014- February 28th, 2015 | Osart Gallery, Milan
“Only with the help of light I can create different mental images, images that we see with our heart but that in reality they do not exist”. Piero Fogliati
After the success of the show and the book of Aldo Tagliaferro 70's: Verification of an exhibition 2.0, Osart Gallery continues its artistic research dedicated to the 60's and 70's, presenting an exhibition of works by Italian artist Piero Fogliati(1930).
The artist developed a unique way of assembling “essential fragments of technology”in order to create inventive and well-structured machines. These machines have a key peculiarity: they temporarily generate a magical atmosphere with unexpected lights and sounds.When are not in function, they look like objects that can intrigue or leave the viewer perplexed. Instead, once powered on, they surprisingly turn into animated installations.
For example, Svolazzatore Cromocangiante,with no current, consists of a black support on which a white helix has been inserted on the top. When the electric power comes, the helix starts moving modifying its original color. It becomes a flying creature which includes infinite combinations of blue, red and green. Osart gallery with “L'immagine nella rêverie” brings togheter sculptures/installations designed between the 1967 and 1970.
Svolazzatore Cromocangiante, Fleximofono, Forme di Buio, Euritmia Evoluente and Pittura Mobile, that the artist defines as “clothes that perfectly fit on scientific objects”, guide the viewer into a spectacular show.
These hand-shaped works manage to engage and then interact with the audience. Hence the extraordinary combination of lights and sounds plays with the viewers blending into their emotional and remembrance's sphere.
Piero Fogliati's creative process can't be completely understood without taking in consideration his drawings. On the one hand they prove the unique style of his sculpures/installations, on the other they bring out his imagination with new pictures that find their reference into la citta “Fantastica”:a project in which all the installations shown by Osart Gallery are mentally represented.
The exhibition will be accompanied by a catalogue with texts written by Alessandro Pancotti
Alessandro Pancotti is 33 years old, he graduated in Economics at Cattolica University. He lives in Milan and he works for an import/export company based in Milan. He published a collection of poems: Le Iniziali (Lieto Colle 2014, Mauro Maconi Award-Young section and Camaiore Award-Opera prima). Some of his poems have been published on the literary magazine: “l'immaginazione”- n. 281