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(Klagenfurt, 1922 - Roma, 2017)


Born in 1922 in Klagenfurt (Austria), Mirella Bentivoglio first began writing books of poetry. She was raised trilingual by her Italian parents in Switzerland.

She then explored the connection between language and image, joining the Concrete and Visual Poetry movements.

In the 1960s she moved to a personal form of object-poetry and during the 1970s, she gradually expanded her work to performance, action-poetry and environment-poetry.

Bentivoglio staged solo exhibitions in museums and galleries such as Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome (1996), National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington DC (1999), Oculus Gallery in Tokyo (2010), Pomona College in Claremont, CA (2003 and 2015). Other notable exhibitions took place at Studio Eos in Rome (2013), Galleria dell’Elefante in Treviso (2015) and in the MACMA exhibition spaces in Matino, Lecce (2011 to 2013).

During her career, she kept contacts with other artists mainly by correspondence, for example: Amelia Etlinger, Betty Danon, Gisela Frankenberg*.  

She took part to group shows in museums and galleries in Europe, America, the Middle and Far East, Canada and Australia. She exhibited several times at the Venice Biennale (in 1969, 1972, 1978, 1980, 1986, 1995, with a performance in 2001 and finally, in 2009). She showed at Brazil’s São Paulo Art Biennial three times between 1973 and 1994, and at the Pompidou Centre in Paris three times between 1978 and 1982. She also showed at Documenta, Kassel (1982), at MoMA, NYC (1992), at Palazzo Pitti, Florence (2001) and at the Milan Expo (2015).

Alongside her artistic activity, Mirella Bentivoglio was very engaged in the critic scenario: as a curator specialized in the verbovisive sector. In many of these exhibitions there were many of her own pieces.

Thanks to her commitment as a curator she promoted female artists: in the 70s she began to involve fellow female artists into group exhibitions. These exhibitions later became very important for gender theories, for example in the review curated by Bentivoglio in 1978 “Materializzazione del linguaggio” at the Venice Biennal – where it was exhibited also some of Amelia Etlinger’s work.

Her installations and large structures in stone or wood can be found in the permanent collections of numerous museums, including MACRO in Rome, Ca’ Pesaro in Venice, the National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington DC; the Getty Institute, Los Angeles; MoMA, NYC; MART, Rovereto; MAC, São Paulo, Brazil; the Uffizi Galleries and the National Central Library, Florence.

Mirella Bentivoglio died in 2017.



L'altra faccia della luna, Istituto Italiano di Cultura e Galleria Gramma Epsilon, Atene (EL)


L'altra faccia della luna, Museo Stazione dell’Arte, Ex Stazione ferroviaria, Ulassai (Nu)


Sculture, Galleria Conceptual, Milano


Je suis, Museo Pietro Cavoti, Galatina

Lapide a Hravat (1995-1998), nell'ambito di Omaggi alle artiste, Galleria d'Arte Moderna di Roma Capitale

Oltre la parola. Mirella Bentivoglio dalla collezione Garrera, La Sapienza - Museo Laboratorio di Arte Contemporanea, Roma

Mirella Bentivoglio. Creazione e fine, Galleria Conceptual, Milano


Mirella Bentivoglio, Galleria dell'Incisione, Brescia


Mirella Bentivoglio, Galleria l'Elefante, Treviso


National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington, DC

The visual poetry of Mirella Bentivoglio, The National Museum of Women in the Arts, New York

The visual poetry of Mirella Bentivoglio, Italian Cultural Institute, Washington


Mirella Bentivoglio dalla parola al simbolo, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Roma


Art Center, Edewecht


Writers' Forum, Londra


Torre del Lebbroso, Aosta


Mirella Bentivoglio. Simbolo come struttura, Gubbio

Pinacoteca Comunale, Macerata


Mirella Bentivoglio. Pietra filosofale, Galleria Il Segno, Torino


Metronom, Barcellona

Arte Duchamp, Roma


Centro Il Brandale, Roma


Istituto Italiano di Cultura, New York


Cooperativa Alzaia, Roma

Spazio Alternativo, Roma

Casa Italiana, Nazareth College, Rochester


Spazio Alernativo, Roma


Italian House di Rochester, New York

Poetry Collection, Università di Buffalo


Centro Il Brandale, Savona


Bentivoglio, Studio Santandrea, Milano


Le referenze bivalenti di Mirella Bentivoglio, Centrosei, Bari

Studio Artivisive, Matera

Klingspor Museum, Offenbach/Main



Flying Words, Osart Gallery, Milan​

Umano troppo umano: l’agone atletico dagli altari alla polvere, Villa d’Este a Tivoli, Italyolvere, Villa d’Este a Tivoli, Italy


Rebel Archives, Mendes Wood DM, Vigliano Biellese

Terra Sacra, Mole Vanvitelliana, Ancona

The Poetry of Translation, Kunst Meran, Merano

Histoire d'E. Between language and image, Roma, Spazio indipendente Lettera_E, Atene, Gramma_Epsilon


Libertà sulla parola, Osart Gallery, Milano

La poesia visiva come arte multisensoriale, Fondazione Berardelli, Brescia


L'altra faccia della luna, Studio Tiepolo, Roma

Intermedia. Archivio di Nuova scrittura, Museion, Bolzano, Mart, Rovereto

Un mare di Parole, Mancaspazio, Nuoro

Volumina Atto Secondo. Le artiste e il libro, Museo Nori de' Nobili, Trecastelli

Doing Deculturalization, Museion, Bolzano

The Unexpected Subject. 1978 Art and Feminism in Italy, c. by Marco Scotini, Raffaella Perna, FM Centre for Contemporary Art, Milano

Eva vs Eva. La duplice valenza del femminile nell'immaginario occidentale, Villa d'Este, Tivoli


Body and Words in Italian and Lithuanian Women's Art from 1965 to the Present, c. by Benedetta Carpi de Resmini, Laima Kreivyte, Magma, Vilnius, Roma


Poesia visiva. La donazione di Mirella Bentivoglio al MART, Rovereto


(S)cripturae. Le scritture segrete: artiste tra linguaggio e immagine, Padova


Biennale di Venezia


Biennale di San Paolo

Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venezia


Volumina: il libro oggetto rivisitato dalla donna artista del nostro secolo, Senigallia

Post scriptum. Artiste italiane tra linguaggio e immagine negli anni Sessanta e Settanta, Ferrara


G. Montana, L'inattuale pittorico n°51 , XXI Premio Vasto di arte e critica d'arte.

Biennale di Venezia

XI Quadriennale di Roma

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