Robert BARRY
(New York, 1936)
Robert Barry è nato a New York nel 1936. Vive e lavora in New jersey.
Robert Barry è considerato uno dei pionieri e più importanti rappresentanti dell’arte concettuale. Intorno alla metà degli anni ’60, Barry inizia ad indagare lo spazio circostante la tela, così come quello più specificatamente interno alle misure del quadro stesso. A poco a poco la ricerca si allarga anche al contesto nel quale il lavoro viene presentato, che diventa componente primaria dell’operazione artistica in se.
L’artista s’interroga sui limiti e sulla vera natura della percezione umana, cosi come le possibilità di sviluppo dei nostri sensi in relazione ad elementi spesso sconosciuti ed intangibili.
Per Barry è sempre stato l’atto stesso di percepire, piuttosto che l’oggetto della percezione ad essere interessante e significativo. Dopo anni di sperimentazione nei quali per condurre la sua ricerca artistica l’artista ha usato la più grande varietà di media (suoni ultrasonici, gas inerti e magnetismo), nei primi anni '70 Barry decide di concentrarsi sulla parola, come veicolo unico di significati e strumento privilegiato di comunicazione.
La parola che può essere dipinta su tela, o direttamente sul muro così come stampata su carta o proiettata su slide o addirittura scavata. Addentrandosi sempre più in questa ricerca artistica-linguistica, diventa di fondamentale importanza anche la specializzazione che la parola porta con sé, la relazione tra essa e il vuoto che lo circonda. Di fronte a una grande varietà di significati e significanti, la costante fondamentale di tutte le sue ricerche rimane il fatto che tra la sua mente e lo sguardo del pubblico, c'è un passaggio di idee e concetti, non messaggi prestabiliti e intenzionali: un punto di arrivo e una partenza che diventa il vero motore creativo del suo lavoro.Secondo Barry “l’arte è una lingua e ha le sue radici nel linguaggio.”
Robert Barry, Early works, Alfonso Artiaco, Napoli, Italia
Robert Barry, Francesca Minini Gallery, Milano, Italia
One Wall, One Work: Robert Barry, Krakow Witkin Gallery, Boston, USA
Robert Barry: Paintings and Works on Paper from the 1960s, Marc Selwin Fine Art, Beverly Hills, USA
Robert Barry, How Things Have Changed…, Parra & Romaro Gallery, Madrid,
Robert Barry, Galleria Alfonso Artiaco, Napoli, Italia
Robert Barry, Galleria Massimo Minini, Brescia, Italia
Robert Barry, NOT PERSONAL: 1964-PRESENT, Gallery Shilla, Sud Corea
Robert Barry, Cristina Guerra Contemporary Art, Lisbona, Portogallo
Robert Barry: works from 1964 to 2016, Mary Boone Gallery, New York, USA
Robert Barry: Random, Galerie Untilthen, Saint Ouen, Francia
Robert Barry, Galerie Greta Meert, Bruxelles, Belgio
Robert Barry, Thomas Solomon Art Advisory, Bethlehem Baptist Church, Los Angeles, USA
Robert Barry: Diptych, Window-Wallpiece, Montclair Art Museum, New Jersey, USA
Incomplete, Galleria Alfonso Artiaco, Napoli, Italia
New Work Amburgo - First Floor, Galerie Sfeir Sempler, Amburgo, Germania
Barbara Krakow Gallery, Boston, MA USA
One Billion Colored Dots, Montclair Art Museum, New Jersey, USA
Robert Barry, Galerie Greta Meert, Bruxelles, Belgio
Robert Barry - Light and Dark, The Projections of Robert Barry 1967 - 2012, Galerie Yvon Lambert, Parigi, Francia
Taking Your Time, Michelle Didier, Parigi, Francia
Different Times Different Works, Galleria Massimo Minini, Brescia, Italia
Robert Barry, SoundPieces, Jan Mot, Città del Messico, Messico
Golden Words Giacomo Guidi e MG art, Roma, Italia
Troublesome, Galleria Alfonso Artiaco, Napoli, Italia
Words and Music, The Common Guild, Glasgow, Scotland, Gran Bretagna
Recent Works, Galerie Sfier Semler, Amburgo, Germania
Word Lists, Yvon Lambert, Parigi, Francia
RB 62-08, Yvon Lambert, New York, USA
Galerie Greta Meert, Bruxelles, Belgio
Ritter/Zamet Gallery, Londra, Gran Bretagna
"It is, It isn't" (live performance of sound piece) Jan Mot, Bruxelles, Belgio
Art and War, Klemens Gasser & Tanja Grunert, Inc, New York, USA
New Multi-Part Colored Mirrorpieces, Galerie Greta Meert, Bruxelles, France
Artists Books, Showcase Alfred Vandaele, Gent, Belgio
Galleria Alfonso Artiaco, Napoli, Italia
Galerie Steinek, Vienna, Austria (inaugural exhibition)
Some Times, Galerie Bugdahn und Kaimer, Dusseldorf, Germania
An Installation and a Video, Yvon Lambert, Le Studio, Parigi, Francia
New and Old Works, Galerie Sfeir-Semler, Amburgo, Germania
Galleria Massimo Minini, Brescia, Italia
25 Paintings and a Video, Klemens Gasser & Tanja Grunert, Inc., New York, USA
Installation, Yvon Lambert Project Room, Parigi, Francia
Robert Barry and Jonathan Monk, Galerie Widmer, Zurigo, Svizzera
Robert Barry and Sol LeWitt, Galerie Yvon Lambert, Parigi, Francia
Diptych, a Window/ Wallpiece, Montclair Art Museum, Montclair, USA
Galerie Sfeir-Semler, Amburgo, Germania
Old drawings – New Videos, Galerie Meert Rihoux, Bruxelles, Belgio
A Place To Which, Kunsthalle Norimberga, Norimberga, Germania
We Can Come, Works from 1963 to 1975"; travels to Aargauer Kunsthaus. Aarau, Svizzera, 2004
Galerie Bugdahn und Kaimer, Düsseldorf, Germania
Galerie Yvon Lambert, Parigi, Francia
Lenbachhaus, Monaco, Germania
Klemens Gasser & Tanja Grunert, Inc., New York, USA
"Early Works, 1966 – 1973", McKinsey and Company, Düsseldorf, Germania
Expression, Galerie Sfeir-Semler, Amburgo, Germania
Reactions, Primo Piano, Roma, Italia
Four Yellow Pieces , Base: Progetti per L'Arte, Firenze, Italia
"Robert Barry: Stay Away, Recent Installations, Holly Solomon Gallery, New York, USA
Vous Etes Ici Editions, Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi
Robert Barry: Paintings 1988-1994; Windowpiece 1996"Galerie Bugdhan und Kaimer, Düsseldorf Robert Barry – It Can Be… Drei Diaprojektionen, Neues Museum Weimar, Weimar, Germania
MonochRoma, Salle des Expositions Ecole Superieure Des Beaux-Arts De Nimes, Nimes, Francia
Galerie Yvon Lambert, Parigi, Francia
The Box, Torino, Italia
Galerie Sfeir-Semler, Amburgo, Germania
Indianapolis, Museum of Art, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Galerie Meert Rihoux, Bruxelles, Belgio
Dum Umeni (House of Art) Brno, Repubblica Ceca
Galerie H.S. Steinek, Vienna, Austria
Robert Barry and Heinz Gappmayr, 'Kunstraum, Vienna
Galerie Meert Rihoux, Bruxelles, Belgio
Galerie Bugdhan und Kaimer, Düsseldorf, Germania
Galerie Klemens Gasser, Köln, Germania
Robert Barry and Haim Steinbach"Galerie Yvon Lambert, Parigi, Francia
Galerie Yvon Lambert, Parigi, Francia
Holly Solomon Gallery, New York, USA
Art & Public, Ginevra, Svizzera
Galerie H.S. Steinek, Vienna, Austria
Wasserman Galerie, Monaco, Germania
Galeria Ugo Ferranti, Roma, Italia
Galerie Bugdhan und Kaimer, Dusseldorf, Germania
Galerie Klemens Gasser, Bolzano, Italia
Art and Project / Van Krimpen, Rotterdam, Paesi Bassi
Galeria 57, Madrid, Spagna
Galerie Pierre Huber, Ginevra, Svizzera
Wasserman Galerie, Cologne, Germania
Galerie Foskal, Varsavia, Polonia
Galeria Ugo Ferranti, Roma, Italia
Le Consortium, Dijon, Francia
Holly Solomon,Gallery, New York, USA
Rena Bransten Gallery, San Francisco, California, USA
Haags Gemeentemuseum, The Hague, Paesi Bassi
Holly Solomon Gallery, New York, USA
Salama-Caro Gallery, Londra, Gran Bretagna
Galerie Yvon Lambert, Parigi, Francia
Galerie Meert Rihoux, Bruxelles, Belgio
Holly Solomon Gallery, New York, USA
Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, USA
Julian Pretto Gallery, New York, USA
Delfryd Celf Gallery, Galles
Thomas Solomon's Garage, Los Angeles, California, USA
Ugo Ferranti Gallery, Roma, Italia
Centre National d'Art Contemporain, Grenoble, Francia
Musee St. Pierre, Art Contemporain, Lione, Francia
Roy Boyd Gallery, Los Angeles, California, USA
Delfryd Celf Gallery, Galles, Gran Bretagna
Wasserman Edition E Gallery, Monaco, Germania
Galeria Meert-Rihoux, Bruxelles, Belgio
Paul Maenz Gallery, Cologne, Germania
Yvon Lambert Gallery, Parigi, Francia
Paul Maenz Gallery, Cologne, Germania
Galeria Primo Piano, Roma, Italia
Julian Pretto Gallery, New York, USA
Defryd Celf Gallery, Galles, Gran Bretagna
Gallerie Ghislain Mollet-Vieville, Parigi, Francia
Robert Barry & Lawrence Weiner, Christian Stein Gallery, Torino, Italia
Closed Gallery" and "Marcuse Piece, Delfryd Celf Gallery, Lloyds Bank, Galles, Gran Bretagna
Robert Barry and Peter Downsbrough, Le Consortium, Dijon, Francia
The Renaissance Society, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Robert Barry: Wallpiece, Galerie Yvon Lambert, Parigi, Francia
David Bellman Gallery, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, USA
Art & Project, Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi
Galerie Francoise Lambert, Milano, Italia
Galeria Locus Solus, Genoa, Italia
Galerie L'Hermitte, Coutances, Francia
"Robert Barry: Grafik und Installationen"Ulmer Museum, Germania
Museum Folkwang Essen, Germania
Museum of Conceptual Art, San Francisco, California
Galerie, Yvon Lambert, Parigi, Francia
"All the Time", Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, (in collaboration with Carole Gallagher)
Art and Project, Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi
Centre d'Arts Plastique Contemporains de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, Francia
Joslyn Art Museum, Omaha, Nebraska, USA
Robert Barry Color Drawings, Galerie Paul Maenz, Cologne
Wallpiece, Leo Castelli, Gallery, New York, USA
Banco/Massimo Minini. Brescia, Italia
Fetes musicales De La Saint-Baume, Saint-Baume, Francia
Galerie Paul Maenz, Cologne, Germania
Robert Barry: new Drawings, Galerie Francoise Lambert, Milano, Italia
Galerie Rolf Preisig, Basel, Svizzera
Again & Again, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, USA
A Wall Drawing, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, USA
Galerie MTL, Bruxelles, Belgio
Museum of Conceptual Art, San Francisco, California, USA
Folkwangmuseum Essen, Germania
Fine Arts Gallery, University of Colorado Museum, Boulder, USA
"Robert Barry: Prints, Drawings & Publications 1968 – 1978"
Galerie Yvon Lambert, Parigi, Francia
Almost, Paul Maenz, Cologne, Germania
Endless Celebrations, Robert Self Ltd., Londra, Gran Bretagna
Stedelijk van Abbemuseum. Eindhoven, Paesi Bassi, travels to Folkwangmuseum, Essen, Germania
Unless, Rudiger Schöttle, Monaco, Germania
Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, USA
Rolf Preisig, Basel, Svizzera
Galleria Gian Enzo Sperone, Roma, Italia
Galerie Paul Maenz, Cologne, Germania
"Portrait, Part I" Julian Pretto Gallery, New York, USA
"Portrait, Part II" P.S.1, Long Island City, New York, USA
Gian Enzo Sperone Gallery, New York, USA
Galerie Paul Maenz, Cologne, Germania
Cusack Gallery, Houston, Texas, USA
Galerie Yvon Lambert, Parigi, Francia
Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, USA
Jack Wendler Gallery, Londra, Gran Bretagna
Galerie Paul Maenz, Cologne, Germania
Galerie MTL, Bruxelles, Belgio
Art and Project, Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi
Kustmuseum Luzern, Svizzera
Galerie Rolf Preisig, Basel, Svizzera
Galeria Gian Enzo Sperone, Torino, Italia
Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi
Rhode Islands School of Design, Providence, Rhode Island
Galerie Yvon Lambert, Parigi, Francia
Galleria Sperone, Torino, Italia
Galleria Toselli, Milano, Italia
Paul Maenz, Cologne, Germania
Gian Enzo Sperone & Konrad Fischer, Roma, Italia
Jack Wendler Gallery, Londra, Gran Bretagna
Galeria Foksal, Varsavia, Polonia
Im Kabinett fuer Aktuelle Kunst, Bremerhaven, Germania
Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, USA
Galerie MTL, Bruxelles, Belgio
Jack Wendler Gallery, Londra, Gran Bretagna
Galerie Toselli, Milano, Italia
Art & Project, Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi
Tate Gallery, Londra, Gran Bretagna
Art & Project, Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi
Galerie Yvon Lambert, Parigi, Francia
Galerie Paul Maenz, Cologne, Germania
Leo Castelli Gallery, New York
Eugenia Butler Gallery, Los Angeles, California
Eugenia Butler Gallery, Los Angeles, California
Galleria Sperone, Torino, Italia
Seth Siegelaub, Los Angeles, California, USA
Art & Project, Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi
Galleria Sperone, Torino, Italia
Westerly Gallery, New York, USA
CrossWords, Osart Gallery, Milan
Ekphrasis, Boghossian Foundation, Bruxelles, Belgio
Modern and Contemporary Masterpieces from a Private Collection, Unthilton Gallery, Parigi, Francia
Robert Barry Ivan Ko?ari, Sfeir-Semler Gallery, Hamburg, Germany
So wie wir sind 1.0, Weserburg, Museum für moderne Kunst, Bremen, Germania
Contrast, QC Gallery, Brussels, Belgio
Des mots et des choses, FRAC Bretagne, Châteaugiron, Francia
Art Unlimited, Art Basel 2018, Basel, Svizzera
The Transported Man, Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum, East Lansing,
Michigan, USA
14th Biennale de Lione, Floating Worlds, curated by Emma Lavigne, Lione,
Duet with Artist, Participation as Artistic Principle, a cooperation between the 21er Haus and the Morsbroich Museum in Leverkusen, Germania
Parapolitics: Cultural Freedom and the Cold War, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), Berlino, Germania
Living with gods. Peoples, places and worlds beyond, British Museum, Londra, Gran Bretagna
Toda Percepcion es una Interpretacion: YOU ARE PART OF IT, Cisneros, Spagna
Fontanals Art Foundation, Miami, Florida, USA
Development, Okayama Art Summit 2016, Giappone
LEXICON, Gagosian Gallery, Parigi, Francia
Block Parts, Barbara Krakow Gallery, Boston, USA
30th Anniversary, Galleria Alfonso Artiaco, Napoli, Italia
There Will Never Be Silence: Scoring John Cage’s 4’33 », MOMA Museum,
New York, USA
Pseudonym Project Parigi by Gabriel JonesPrint Party La Révélation, Parigi, Francia
It is, Fondation Pinault, Punta della dogana, Venezia, Italia
When attitudes become form, Fondation Prada, Venezia, Italia
A Stone Left Unturned, Yvon Lambert, Parigi, Francia
Sol LeWitt. Wall Drawings from 1968 to 2007, Centre Pompidou Metz, Metz, Francia
Amazing! Clever! Linguistic! An Adventure in Conceptual Art …, Generali Foundation, Vienna, Austria
Everything and Nothing, Marc Straus Gallery, New York, USA
Untitled (Giotto’s O), Sperone Westwater, Lugano, Svizzera
Ends of the Earth: Land art to 1974, MOCA, Los Angeles, USA, Haus Der Kunst, Monaco, Germania
Light Years: Conceptual Art and the Photograph, 1964 – 1977, The Art Institute of Chicago, USA
Materializing Six years – Lucy Lippard and the Emergence of Conceptual Art, Brooklyn Museum, New York, USA
Artlantic Wonder, Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA
Marble Sculpture from 350 BC to last week, Sperone Westwater, New York, US
Temporary Landmarks of Moving Situations – In/Situ, Expo Chicago, Navy Pier, Chicago, US
Invisible : Art about the Unseen, 1957 – 2012, Hayward Gallery, Londra, Gran Bretagna
Architectural Dispositions, Thomas Solomon Gallery, Los Angeles, US
Lectura de una realidad, Robert Barry, Stefan Bruggemann, David Lamelas, Galeria Parra Romaro, Madrid, Spagna
Encounters, Galerie Bugdahn un Kaimer, Düsseldorf, Germania
L’insoutenable légèreté de l’être, Galerie Yvon Lambert, Parigi, Francia
Le Papier à l’Oeuvre, The Louvre, Parigi, Francia
Nicole Klagsbrun Gallery, New York, USA
Studies for an Exhibition, The David Roberts Art Foundation Fitzrovia, Londra, Gran Bretagna
Making Histories: Changing Views of the Collection, Stichting Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, NL
Billarant Collection, Le Silo, Marines, Francia
Play Time, Yvon Lambert, New York, Francia
An Exhibition to Hear Read, curated by Mathieu Copeland, The David Roberts Foundation, Londra, Gran Bretagna
Art=Text=Art: Works by Contemporary Artists, University of Richmond Museum, Virgina, USA
20th anniversary exhibition, Museum fur Moderne Kunst Frankfurt am Main, Germania
A Place To Which We Can Come, curated by Serra Sabuncuoslu, Convent of Saint Cecilia, Brooklyn, New York, USA
Robert Barry, Artist talk, The Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, Gran Bretagna
"Less Is More, Pictures, Objects, Concepts From The Collection And Archive of Herman and Nicole Daled", 1966 1978, Haus der Kunst, Monaco
"Portrait", Thomas Solomon Gallery, Los Angeles
Nothing is Forever, South Londra Gallery, Londra, Gran Bretagna
The Moon is an Arrant Thief, The David Roberts Art Foundation, Londra, Gran Bretagna
Minimum Maximum, Galerie Zak / Branicka, Berlino, DE
Edition-Multiples-Prints, Bugdahn und Kaimer Gallery, Düsseldorf, DE
Just Love Me, MUDAM, Luxembourg, LU
The Original Copy: Photography and Sculpture. 1839 to Today, MoMA New York, US and Kunsthaus Zurigo, CH
The Pseudonym Project, The Invisible Dog Center, Brooklyn, New York, US
Les Choses Dont Nous Ne Savons Rien Encore, Point Ephémère, Parigi, France
Sound of Music, Broelmuseum, Courtrai, BE
Travels to Marres, Center for Contemporary Culture in Maastricht, Espace 36 in St. Omer, NL
Text Works, Norma Desmond Production, Los Angeles, US
Romantic Conceptualism, Kunsthalle Nuernberg, DE, travels to Bawag Foundation, Vienna, AT
In and Out of Amsterdam: Art and Project Bulletin, 1986-1989," MoMA, NY
Photography Is Not Art: The Sylvio Perlstein Collection," Museo Communal d'Iuxelles, Bruxelles and Musee d'Art Modern et Contemporain, Strasbourg
Jan Mot Gallery, Bruxelles, "Oral Culture", "It is, It isn't" (live performance)
KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlino, "…5 Minutes Later"
Bjorn Ressle Gallery, New York, "1" (dedicated to Sol LeWitt)
Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, "Equinox: Permanent Collection Works from the 1960s and 1970s"
Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens, Deurle, Belgio, "Collection Dr. R. & H. Matthys – Colle"
BSI Art Collection, BSI Infabanque, Parigi "Ils sont peintres/They are painters"
MART, Trento, Italia, "La parola nell'arte. Richerche d'avangardia nel 900. Dal futurismo ad oggi",
Museum of Modern Art, New York, "Lines, Grids, Stains, Words"
Tate Modern, Londra, "Learn to Read"
Centre National des Arts Plastiques, Parigi -La Défense, "Début de Siéle"
Musée des Beaux-Arts, Tourcoing, Francia, "Deja-Vu: From the collection of Frac Nord-Pas de Calais" Curated by Hans-Peter Feldmann
Musée des Arts Contemporains, Hornu, Belgio, "Des Fantômes et des Anges: Extraits des Collections du Musée d'Art Moderne Lille Métropole"
Swiss Institute/ Contemporary Art, New York, "Performa 07: A Spoken Word Exhibition", Curated by Mathieu Copeland
Chez Dominique Perrault Architecture, Parigi, "Des Oeuvres de la Collection Billarant"
Kadist Art Foundation, Parigi, "Some Time Waiting"
Generali Foundation, Vienna, "Sammlung"
Broelmuseum, Courtrai, Francia, "Sound of Music", travels to Marres, center for contemporary culture inMaastricht, Paesi Bassi and to Espace 36 in St. Omer, Francia
Norma Desmond Production, Los Angeles, "Text Works"
Kunsthalle Nuernberg, "Romantic Conceptualism", travels to Bawag Foundation, Vienna
Klemens Gasser & Tanja Grunert, Inc., New York, "small is beautiful"
Pan Palazzo delle Arti Napoli, Napoli,"Dedica 1986-2006, 20 Anni della Galleria Alfonso Artiaco"
The National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, "Art Metropole: The Top 100"
Sfeir-Semler Gallery, Beruit, "Hadith"
La Masion Rouge, Parigi, " Busy Going Crazy, Collection Sylvio Perlstein"
Deborah Colton Gallery, Houston, "WORD"
Generali Foundation, Vienna, "…Concept Has Never Meant Horse."
Kunsthaus Graz, "Inventory, Works from the Herbert Collection"
Winterthur Kunstmuseum, Svizzera, "Plane/Figure: American Art from Swiss Collections"
Solo Projects, Los Angeles, "1968"
Klemens Gasser & Tanja Grunert, Inc., New York, "New Work"
Albion Gallery, Londra, "Sol LeWitt, Robert Barry, Daniel Buren, Wall Drawings"
Centre National d'Art et de Culture Georges Pompidou, Parigi, " Le Movement des Images, Art, Cinéma"
Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona, "Public Space/ Two Audiences, Works and Documents from the Herbert Collection"
Yvon Lambert, Parigi, "Message Personnel"
Paula Cooper Gallery, New York, "On Ongoing Low-Grade Mystery" curated by Robert Nickas Kunsthaus Graz, Austria,"Public Space/ Two Audiences, Works and Documents from the Herbert Collection"
Kunstlerhaus Bremen, "Not a Drop but a Fall"
Vous Etes Ici, Amsterdam, "What Would a World Without Paper be Like?"
Palacio de Sástago, Zaragoza, "Colección Alfonso Artiaco, Out of Sight, Out of Mind"
Le Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts de Lausanne, Lausanne, "Private View 1980-2000, Collection Pierre Huber"
Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, Vienna, "Collection Sigrid and Franz Wojda International Minimalist, Conceptual, and Analytic
Painting, 1960 to the Present"
Sfeir-Semler Gallery, Beruit, "Rainbow"
Vous Etes Ici, Amsterdam, "Editions 1998 – 2005"
Jan Moet, Bruxelles, "Today is Just a Copy of Yesterday"
La Maison Rouge, Parigi, "Central Station, Collection Harald Falckenberg"
Museum Für Moderne Kunst Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt, Germania, "What's New Pussycat?"
Baltimore Museum of Art, "Slide Show", travels to Contemporary Arts Center Cincinnati and in 2006 The Brooklyn Museum of Art, New York
Le Consertium, Dijon, Francia, "Before the End (The Last Painting Show)", traveled to the Swiss Institute - Contemporary Art, New York
Museum Van Hedendaagse Kunst Antwerpen, Antwerp, Belgio, "Not Done! The Artist's Book",
Arcadia University Art Gallery, Spruance Art Center, Glenside, PA,
"Open", ("The Big Nothing")
Hallen Für Kunst Freiburg, Freiburg, Germania , "Kunst – Licht"
Erna Hecey Gallery, Bruxelles , Belgio, "Strange, Familiar, and Unforgotten"
Jan Mot Galerie, Bruxelles, Belgio, "Today is Just a Copy of Yesterday"
"Art Unlimited", Basel Art Fair, Basel, Svizzera
"From a Collection – For a Collection", Galerie Bugdhan und Kaimer, Düsseldorf, Germania
Yvon Lambert, New York, " Minimal Artists Try to Make Something Look Like Nothing and Conceptual Artists Try Make Nothing Look Like Something, or Is It the Other Way Around?" Curated by Jonathan Monk
Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, "Sign Language"
Klemens Gasser & Tanja Grunert, Inc., New York, "Robert Barry, Benjamin Cottam, Thomas Locher, Olivier Mosset"
Los Angeles County Museum of Art, "Beyond Geometry Experiment in Form, 1940's to 1970's",
The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, "A Minimal Future? Art as Object 1958-1968,"
Musee d'Art Modern et d'Art Contemporain, Nice, Francia, "Intra Muros,"
Massimo Minini Gallery, Brescia, Italia, "Don't Expect Anything,"
Lapland, Finland, "The Snow Show",
Baltimore Museum of Art, "Work Ethic,"
Norton Museum of Art, West Palm Beach, "Minimal to the Max – The Brownstone Collection";
Bologna Museum of Modern Art, Bologna, Italia, "Text-Works: Selections from the collection of Museion: Museo d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Bolzano"
Museum Morsbroich Leverkusen, Leverkusen, Germania "Talking Pieces"
Chelsea Art Museum, New York, "Samadhi: The Contemplation of Space"
Bibliotheque Nationale de Francia, Parigi, Francia, "Livres, Imprimés, et Maquettes, Les Éditions Incertain Sens",
Vous Etes Ici, Amsterdam, The Paesi Bassi, "Suite Voices #5"
Musée d'Art Contemporain de Lione, Francia, "L'Art Mol et Raide … Nouvelle presentation de la collection"
Musée d'art moderne Lille Metropole, Lille, Francia, "Sans Commune Mesure"
CapcMusée d'art contemporain de Bordeaux, Francia, "The Seventies: Art in
Galerie Bugdahn und Kaimer, Düsseldorf, Germania, "Sculpture"
Stedelkijk Museum, Amsterdam, The Paesi Bassi, "Conceptual Art 1965-1975 from Dutch Collections"
California College of Arts and Crafts, San Francisco, "Extra Art, A Survey of Artists' Ephemera, 1960 –1999"
Musée d'Art Moderne et Contemporain (MAMCO), Ginevra, Svizzera, "Art Express, Art Minimal and Conceptuel Américain, 1961-1971"
Espace de L'Art Concret, Mouans-Sartoux, Francia, "À Fur et à Mesure",
Oeffentliche Kunstsammlung Basel, "White Sculpture and Painting in the 20th Century"
Pori Art Museum, Pori, Finland, "EMPATHY: Beyond the Horizon",
Maurice Keitelman Gallery, Bruxelles, Belgio
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, "Postmedia: Conceptual Photography in the Guggenheim Museum Collection"
Nelson Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Missouri, "Tempus Fugit",
Museion, Museo d'Arte Moderna, Bolzano, Italia, "Stanze"
The Box, Torino, Italia, "Silver Shining"
Maidstone Library, Kent, Gran Bretagna, "Pur"
MJC, Dunkerque, Francia, "L'Artiste – Concepteur a New York"
Centre National de la Photographie, Parigi, Francia, "La Collection de
Photographie d'agnes b."
Gallerie Comunale d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Roma, Italia, "(E Così Via) (And So On) 99 Artisti della Collezioni Marzona"
Musee d'Art Contemporain, Avignon, Francia, "Rendez-vouz, Collection Lambert
Casino Luxembourg, Luxembourg, "Many Colored Objects Placed Side by Side to Form a Row of Many Colored Objects, Works from the Collection of Annick and Anton Herbert"
Whitney Museum of Modern Art, New York, "Flashing Into the Shadows: The Artist's Film After Pop and Minimalism 1966 – 1976', (through early 2001)
Neues Museum Weimar, Weimar, Germania, "Die Sammlung Paul Maenz",
Espace Gallery, New York, "L'Art and Ecrit"
Lance Fung Gallery, New York, "Wall Drawings: Robert Barry, Douglas Huebler, Sol Lewitt, Gordon Matta-Clark"
Galerie Bugdhan und Kaimer, Düsseldorf, Germania, "Conceptual Art+Land Art 1969-1979"
Holly Solomon Gallery, New York, "Past Forward"
Esso Gallery, New York, "Scripta Manent"
California College of Arts And Crafts, San Francisco, California, "Searchlights: Consciousness at the Millenium"
Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, "The Artists of the Leo Castelli Gallery 1957-1997, Forty Years of Exploration and Innovation"
Yokohama Museum of Art, Yokohama, Japan, "La Collection Yvon Lambert",
La Musee D'Art Moderne Lille Metropole, Lille, Francia, "Sans Titre A Dis Ans"
The Box, Torino, Italia, "Meteore"
Susan Inglett, New York, "The Information Age", curated by David Platzker
Cloister of the Jesuits, Nimes, Francia, "Les Instruments de la Passion", curated by Rene Denizot
Leslie Tonkonow, New York, "Critical Images: Conceptual Works from the 1960s to the Present"
Villa du Parc, Annemasse, Svizzera, "Form Du Simple-exercises D'Associations"
Frac Nord-Pas Calais, Dunkerque, Francia, "La Rayure L'Intervalle Le Jour"
California Palace of the Legion of Honor, San Francisco, California, "Thirty-five Years at Crown Point Press: Making Prints, Doing Art",
Kunstverein Rosenheim, Rosenheim, Germania, "Concrete Poetry and Conceptual Art"
Newark Museum, Newark, New Jersey', curated by Joe Jacobs,
Art Forum Berlino, Berlino Germania, "Vous Etes Ici Editions"
Le Nouveau Musee-Institute Francia Rhone-Alpes, Villerbanne, Francia
"Le Bel Aujourd'hui"
Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt, "Foto Text Text Soto",
Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, Holland, "Travaux Publics (Public Works)", Bibliotheque Nationale de Francia, Galerie Colbert, Parigi, Francia, "EnFiligrane",
Galerie Foksal, Varsavia, Polonia, "Styki/Contact Prints",
Galerie Analix, Ginevra, Svizzera
Traveling Exhibition in the U.K. and U.S. organized by Book Works, Londra, Gran Bretagna, "Itinerant Texts",
Gilbert Brownstone & Cie, Parigi, Francia, "Happy Hour"
Museum in Progress, Reims, Francia, "a produites projects de 1990 a 1996 dans l'espace mediatique"
Thomas Solomon's Garage. Los Angeles, "Robert Barry, Douglas Huebler, Sol Lewitt: Early and Recent Works"
Galerie Bugdhan und Kaimer, Dusseldorf, Germania, "Black, Grey and White"
Galerie des Beaux Arts, Bruxelles, "Geometrie Sacree"
Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Connecticut, "On the Line: selections from the Lewitt Family Collection"
Palais Lichtenstein, Vienna, "die Sammlung Marzona"
Galerie Bugdhan und Kaimer, Düsseldorf, 'Abstand und Naehe", Prospect '68-'69-'71
L'Expo "In Vivo", various locations in Ginevra
Neues Museum, Weserburg Bremen, Germania, "Copie-Grafien",
Place Royale, Bruxelles, "Les Fragments du Desir"
"En Voyage; 45 degrees Nord and Longitude O," various locations, organized by CAPC Musee d'Art Contemporain de Bordeaux, Francia
Castello di Baia, Napoli, Italia, "Contemporaneously"
Villa Arson, Nice, Francia, "Murs du Sons"
Littlejohn-Sternau Gallery, New York, "Julien's Show II"
American Fine Arts Co., New York, "mapping, A Response to MoMA"
L'Espace d'Art Moderne et Contemporain de Toulouse et Midi-Pyrenees, "Corps de la Memoire"
The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, "1965 – 1975: Reconsidering the Objects of Art"
Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum JoanneumGraz, Graz, Austria, "Pittura/Immedia, Painting in the 90's"
Stedelijke Academie Voor Schone Kunsten, Sint-Niklaas, Belgio, "Dubbel Spel"
Musee d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Parigi, Parigi, "Passions Privees"
Chateau de Villeneuve, Vence, Francia, "Pour les Chapelles de Vence," travelled to Espace des Arts, Chalon-sur –Saone, and CAPC Musee d'Art Contemporain, Bordeaux
Schlossmuseum Weimar, Weimar, Germania, "Werke aus der Sammlung Paul Maenz"
Provincial Museum, Hasselt, Belgio, "Dialogues"
Holly Solomon Gallery, New York, "Visceral Responses"
Paula Cooper Gallery, New York; Le Consortium, Dijon, Francia; Le Capiton, Centre d'Art Contemporain, Frejus, Francia; Staedtische Galerie Goppingen, Germania; Galleria Massimo de Carlo, Milano; Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo; "Pictures of the Real World (In Real Time)," organized by Robert Nickas
Musee d'Art Moderne et Contemporain, Ginevra, "Rudiments d'un Musee Possible"
Southhampton City Art Gallery, Southhampton, Gran Bretagna, "Wall to Wall"
National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., "From Minimal to Conceptual Art: Works from the Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection"
Heiligenkreuzerhof/Galerie Metropol, Vienna, "Live in Your Head," curated by Robert Nickas
Galerie Yvon Lambert, Parigi, "Le Monde En Eclats, L'Oevre En Effraction"
Lisson Gallery, Londra, "Out of Sight, Out of Mind"
Kunsthalle Vienna; Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt, "Die Sprache der Kunst"
Ueberwasserkirche, Munster, Germania, "Gegenbilder"
Museion, Museo d'Arte Moderna, Bolzano, "Sound"
Kunje Gallery, Seoul, Corea, "Words"
Musee d'Art Moderne, Nice, Francia, "Harry Shunk Projects: Pier 18"
Stedelijk van Abbemuseum, "Uit de eigen collectic: Weiner, Barry & Kosuth"
Galerie Senda, Barcelona, Spagna, "Robert Barry, Bryan Hunt, Allan McCollum, Dennis Oppenheim"
Musee d'art moderne, Villeneuve d'Ascq, Francia, "Yvon Lambert Collectione"
University Art Museum, Santa Barbara, California, "Knowledge, Aspects of Conceptual Art"
The Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Connecticut, "Open Mind: The LeWitt Collection"
Galerie Bugdahn und Kaimer, Düsseldorf, "Robert Barry, Marianne Eigenheer, Mic Enneper, Peter Hutchinson, Jürgen Klagran Bretagnae, Marie Jo Lafontaine"
Studio Oggetto, Milano, "Teorici Americani"
Nicole Klagsbrun Gallery, New York
The Bertha and Karl Leubsdorf Art Gallery, Hunter College, New York, "8 Young Artist, Then + Now, 1964 – 1991", curated by E.C. Goossen
Van Der Heydt Museum, Wuppertal, Germania, "Buchstaeblich, Words and Images in Today's Art" Prino Piano, Roma, "Tre Opere 1965 – 1975, John Baldessari, Robert Barry, Lawrence Weiner"
Galerie Renos Xippas, Parigi, "The Painted Desert" curated by Robert Nickas
Kunsthalle der Hypo-Kulturstiftung, Monaco, "Denk-Bilder, Kunst der Gegenwart 1960 – 1990
Hannover, Germania, "Aussenraum-Innenstadt" Daniel Newburg Gallery, New York, "1964" curated by Robert Nickas
Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, "The 60's Revisited—New Concepts / New Materials"
Rena Bransten Gallery, San Francisco, "Art Redefined"
Nahan Contemporary, New York, "Robert Barry, Marianne Heske, Vladimir Zakrewski"
Galerie Christine and Isy Brachot, Bruxelles, Belgio, "Red", curated by Robert Nickas
Nahan Contemporary, New York, "Concept—Decoratif; Anti-Formalist Art of the 70's"
Nahan Contemporary, New York, "No Trends"
The Art Museum at Florida International University, Miami, Florida, "From the Collection of Herbert and Dorothy Vogel"
Rubin Spangle Gallery, New York, "Beyond the Frame"
The Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Ridgefield Conneticut, "Language in Art"
Kunsthalle Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germania, "Conceptual Art, Minimal Art, Arte Povera, Land Art, Sammlung Marzona"
Galerie 1900 – 2000, Parigi, "Conceptual Art Conceptual Forms"
Milwagran Bretagnaee Art Museum, Milwagran Bretagnaee, Wisconsin, "Word as Image, American Art 1960 – 1990", traveling to Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, Texas
Wasserman Galerie, Monaco, "Der Freie Raum"
Deutsches Postmuseum, Frankfurt, Germania, "Vom Verschwinden der Ferne"
Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, "Inquiries, Language in Art", Exhibition traveled to other galleries in Canada
Terrain Gallery, San Francisco, "Information"
Hal Bromm Gallery, New York, "Works from the Seventies"
Thomas Siegal Gallery, Boston, Massachusetts, "Art and Language"
Art Gallery, York University, Toronto, Canada, "From Concept to Content: Robert Barry, Stanley Brown, Daniel Buren and Lawrence Weiner" curated by David Bellman
Musee des Beaux Arts, Dijon, Francia, "Une Autre Affair"
Tony Shafrazi Gallery, New York, "Words"
Nahan Contemporary, New York, "Disappearances"
Centre National des Arts Plastiques, Villa Arson, Nice, Francia, "Pas A Cote Pas N'Importe Ou 4"
Frankfurter Kunstverein and Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germania; Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Galerie Gabrielle Maubrie, Parigi, "Minimal + Conceptuel"
Real Art Ways, Hartford, Connecticut, "Ideas and Ephemera," curated by Robert C. Morgan
Museum Ludwig, Cologne, "Marcel Duchamp und die Avant-Garde seit 1950"
Victoria Miro Gallery, Londra, "Robert Barry, Stanley Brouwn, Daniel Buren, Alan Charlton, Lawrence Weiner, Ian Wilson"
Museum Fridericianum Kassel, West Germania, "Schlaf der Vernunft"
Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, The Paesi Bassi; Carre d'Art, Musee d'Art Contemporain, Nimes, Francia, "Collection DV"
Whitney Museum of American Art, Federal Reserve Plaza, New York, "Modes of Address: Language in Art since 1960"
Musee d'Art Contemporaine de Bordeaux, Francia, "Art Conceptual I"
Paula Cooper Gallery, New York, "20th Anniversary Group Exhibition"
Galerie Paul Maenz, Cologne, "Group Show"
Kunsthalle Bielefeld, West Germania, "Beyond the Picture: Works by Barry, LeWitt, Mangold and Tuttle from the Collection of Dorothy & Herbert Vogel"
Galerie Catherine Issert, Parigi, "Dessins"
Centro Cultura Art, Messico City, "Leo Castelli & His Artists: 30 Years of Promoting Contemporary Art"
Barbara Krakow Gallery, Boston, "Pictorial Grammar"
Galerie Johnen und Schöttle, Cologne
Francoise Lambert Gallery, Milano, "Robert Barry, Pier Paolo Calzolari, Giulo Paolini, Lawrence Weiner"
Castello di Rivoli, Museo d'Art Contemporanea, Torino, Italia, "Robert Barry, John Baldessari, Stanley Brouwn, Gunther Tuzina, Lawrence Weiner
Museum of Art, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, "An American Renaissance: Painting and Sculpture since 1940," curated by Sam Hunter
The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, "Individuals: A Selection of Contemporary Art"
Yvon Lambert Gallery, Parigi, "Oeuvres Moderns d'Art Contemporain" Edith C. Blum Art Institute, Bard College, Annadale-on-Hudson, New York, "The Maximal Implications of the Minimal Line"
The Guiness Hop Store, Dublin, "ROSC '84"
Galeria Francoise Lambert, Milano
Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington, D.C., "Content: A Contemporary Focus, 1974 – 1984"
Palais des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, "Regard sur la Quatrieme Dimensioin: L'Art et Le Temps"
Kunsthaus, Amburgo, "Im Toten Winkel"Seagram Building, New York, "Drawings by Sculptors: Decades of Non-Objective Art in the Seagram Collection" (travelling exhibition)Musee Saint-Pierre, Lione, Francia, "Acquisition 1984: Art Contemporain" University Art Museum, California State University. Long Beach, California, "Selections from the Collection of Sol LeWitt"
Massimo Minini, Brescia, Italia, "Sessanta Opere"
Paul Maenz, Cologne, "Master Works of Conceptual Art"
A Pierre et Marie, Parigi, "Conception II"
Kassel, Germania, "Documenta VII"
Crown Point Press, Oakland, California, "Artists' Photographs"
Musee de Toulon, Toulon, Francia, "Sans Titre"
Musee d'Art Contemporain, Montreal, Canada, "Livres d'Artistes"
Centre d'Art Plastique Contemporains de Bordeaux, Francia, "Antiform et Arte Povera: sculptures 1966 – 69"
La Jolla Museum of Contemporary Art, La Jolla, California: Aspen Center for the Visual Arts, Aspen, Colorado; Leo Castelli Gallery, New York; Portland Center for the Visual Arts, Portland, Oregon; Laguna Gloria Art Museum, Austin Texas; "Castelli and His Artists"
The Aldrich Museum, Ridgefield, Conneticut, "Postminimalism"
Musee d'Art Contemporain, Montreal, Canada, "Musique-Son-Language-Theatre"
Internationale Ausstellung Köln, "Westkunst"
Ben Shahn Gallery, William Patterson College, Wayne, New Jersey, "4 x 7 from the Vogel Collection"
Cowell College Gallery, University of California, Santa Cruz; Oakland Museum, Oakland California; "Music, Sound, Language, Theatre"
Städtische Kunsthalle, Düsseldorf; Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; "Sammlung Panza"
Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, "Drawings to Benefit the Foundation for Contemporary Performance Arts, Inc."
InK, Halle Fuer Internationale Neue Kunst, Zurigo
Ulrich Museum of Art, Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas, "The Literal Use of Time'
Museum Bochum, Bochum, West-Germania; Palazzo Ducale, Genova, Italia; "Words Words"
Centre Pompidou, Parigi, "Une Exposition d'Artistes Invites par Ian Wilson"
The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, "73rd American Exhibition
Julian Pretto Gallery, New York, "Conceptual Art"
Artists Space, New York, "Audio Works"
Julian Pretto Gallery, New York, "New Works"
Museum of Modern Art, New York, "Bookworks"
Fruit Market Gallery, Edinburgh, Scozia
Carlisle Museum and Art Gallery, Carlisle, Gran Bretagna
Georgia Museum of Art, Athens, Georgia, " Open to New Ideas: A Collection of New Art for Jimmy Carter"
Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, "Robert Barry, Don Judd, Robert Morris, Keith Sonnier"
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, Downtown Branch, "Words"
Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago Illinois, "Words at Liberty"
Camerawork, Inc., San Francisco, "Robert Barry, Barbara Jo Reville, Art Brewer, Robert Schiappacasse"
University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann Arbor, "Works from the Collection of Herbert and Dorothy Vogel"
Cannaviello Studio d'Arte, Roma, "Drawing, USA"
Sable-Castelli Gallery, Ltd., Toronto, "Survey, Part II"
The Renaissance Society at the University of Chicago, "Ideas on Paper 1970 – 76"
Paul Maenz, Cologne, "Projects/Drawings/Diagrams"
KAA Gallery, Toronto, Canada, "Language & Structure in North America", ( a circulating exhibition at The Clocktower, New York; The Institute for Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Contemporary Art Center, Cincinnati, Ohio;
"Painting, Drawing & Sculpture from the Collection of Dorothy and Herbert Vogel"
Sarah Lawrence College Gallery, Bronxville, New York, "Word, Image, Number"
The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Washington, D.C., "Art Now"
Art and Project, Amsterdam/MTL, Antwerp, Belgio. "Ninth Anniversary Exposition"
Galleria Dell'Obelisco, Roma, "De Mathematica"
Paul Maenz, Cologne, "13 Projects '74 Artists"
Kunstverein, Braunschweig, "Concept Art"
Kunsthalle, Cologne, Project '74, "Kunst bleibt Kunst"
Parcheggio di Villa Borghese, Roma, "Contemporanea"
Mills College, Oakland, California, "Notes and Scores for Sounds"
Kassel, Germania, "Documenta 5 "
Basel, Svizzera, "Konzept"-Kunst"
Memorial Art Gallery, Rochester, New York."Art Without Limit"Cologne Art Fair, Cologne, West Germania
Biennale di Venezia, Venezia, Italia
Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, "Kunst Als Boek"
Galerie Yvon Lambert, Parigi "Actualite d'un Bilan"
Art and Project, Amsterdam
Westfaelischer Kunstverein, Landesmuseum, Münster, Germania, "Das Konzept ist die Form"
Museum of Modern Art, Oxford, Gran Bretagna, "Drawing"
Sir George Williams University, Montreal, Canada, "Conceptual Art"
Zagreb, Yugoslavia, "At the Moment"
Kunsthalle Nurnberg, "Artist, Theory & Work"
Francoise Lambert, Parigi, "Eight Proposals"
Galerie 16, Kyoto, Japan, "Conceptual Extension"
Westfalischer Kunstverein zu Munster, "Concept Art"
Centro de Arte y Comunicacion and Museum of Modem Art of Buenos Aires, "Art Systems"
Museum of Modern Art, New York, "Project: Pier 18"
Galerie SKC, Belgrade, Yugoslavia "In Another Moment"
Düsseldorf, Germania, "Prospect 71"
Biennale de Parigi, Parigi, Francia
Sidney Janis Gallery, New York, "String and Rope"
Parigi, "18 Parigi IV, '70"
Allen Memorial Art Museum, OBerlino College, OBerlino, Ohio, "Art in the Mind"
La Jolla Museum of Art, La Jolla, California, "Projections: Anti-Materialism"
New York Cultural Center, New York, "Conceptual Art and Conceptual Aspects"
Museum of Modern Art, New York, "Information"
Galleria Civica d'Art Moderna, Torino, Italia, "Conceptual Art and Arte Povera, Land Art"
Kyoto Municipial Museum of Fine Arts, Kyoto, Japan, "Nirvana"
Art and Project, Amsterdam
Galleria San Fedele, Milano, "Concept and Concept"
Nigel Greenwood Gallery, Londra, GB
New York State Council of the Arts, "Critic's Choice"
Studio International Londra "Groups" (a magazine exhibition organized by Seth Siegelaub)
Art and Project, Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi
The Jewish Museum, New York, "Software," curated by Jack Burnham,
San Francisco Art Institute
Paula Cooper Gallery, New York, USA
Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, British Columbia
Eugenia Butler Gallery, Los Angeles, "Conception-Perception"
Seth Siegelaub, New York, "July, August, September"
Seattle Art Museum Pavillion, Seattle, "557,087" and Vancouver Museum of Art, Vancouver, British Columbia, "995,000"
Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, "Prospect 69"
School of Visual Arts Gallery, New York, "groups"
Seth Siegelaub, New York, "January 5-31, 1969"
Seth Siegelaub, New York, "March 1969"
Kunsthalle Bern; The Institute of Contemporary Art, Londra, "When Attitudes Become Form…"
Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; Folkwang Museum, Essen, Germania "Op Losse Schroeven"
Bradford Junior College, Bradford, Massachusetts, USA
Windham College, Putney, Vermont, USA
American Federation of Art, "The Square Painting"
Paula Cooper Gallery, New York, USA
Siegelaub-Wendler, New York, "Xerox Book"
Muller Gallery, Stuttgart
Stephen Radich Gallery, New York, USA
The Guggenheim Museum, New York, "Systematic Painting"
Tibor de Nagy Gallery, New York; Stable Gallery, New York; "Distillation," curated by E.C. Goosse
Westerly Gallery, New York. "The New Edge"
American Federation of Arts, New York (traveling exhibition)
Hudson River Museum, Yonkers, New York; Bennington College,
Bennington, Vermont, "Eight Young Artists" curated by E.C. Goossen