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Winston ROETH


(Chicago, 1945)


Winston Roeth nasce a Chicago nel 1945.

Studia arte alla University of Illinois, University of New Mexico, e alla Royal Academy of Arts di Londra.

Durante gli anni '60, all'inizio della sua carriera pittorica, incontra alcuni artisti che avranno un forte impatto sulla sua produzione degli anni a venire e sulla sua concezione della pittura.

Nel 1963, ha l'occasione di vedere per la prima volta, all'Art Institute di Chicago, 'Black Square' di Ad Reinhardt: “Non sapevo di che cosa si trattasse, ma sentivo che aveva qualcosa di speciale da comunicare” ha rivelato in un secondo tempo. Da allora, Reinhardt diventa un punto di riferimento nella ricerca pittorica di Roeth.

Tre anni dopo, Roeth viene catturato dall'opera 'Nebraska' di Brice Marden, della quale invece l'artista americano apprezza il senso di “novità” e “libertà” che ispira.

Negli anni 1968 e 1969, mentre sta frequentando il Royal College of Art a Londra, Roeth dipinge una serie di pannelli colorati (274x365cm) che rappresentano un punto di svolta per la sua carriera da artista. Lo stesso Roeth afferma che “I dipinti iniziavano con una singola pennellata, smettevo di dipingere solo quando l'intera superficie era ricoperta dal colore. Ci vollero giorni, usai solo un pennello piccolo. Un unico colore... era più che sufficiente. Mi sentivo libero”.

Nel 1974, presso la Robert Elkon Gallery di NY, vede esposta una serie di disegni di Agnes Martin, dei quali ricorda perfettamente la “chiarezza” e “precisione”, il tratto leggero li rende trascendenti.

La fenomenologia del colore, della luce e dello spazio rappresenta un tema centrale della pratica pittorica di Roeth.

Dopo anni di esplorazione sulla luce e sul colore, arriva a sviluppare una tecnica precisa. Usando un pennello stende il pigmento puro, strato dopo strato, mischiandolo ad acqua e ad un'emulsione di poliuretano, finchè l'intera superficie della tela non è stata ricoperta. Tutti i suoi sforzi sono incentrati nel tentativo di trovare la giusta saturazione del colore, in modo tale che dai pigmenti scaturisca luce pura.

Oggi, Winston Roeth è un artista di fama mondiale. La sua attività si svolge principalmente tra lo studio in Maine, luogo a lui molto caro, e quello a Beacon, New York; tuttavia, tiene mostre personali in tutta Europa, prevalentemente in Germania e in Italia, e in Australia.

Alcune sue opere sono entrate a far parte della prestigiosa collezione di Giuseppe Panza di Biumo.

Lavora con sua moglie Susan Osberg, una coreografa e ballerina; insieme hanno creato alcune scenografie del Dance Theatre e collaborato con la lighting designer Susanne Poulin.



Speed of light, Museum Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden, Germany


The Speed of Light, Galerie Vera Murno, Hamburg, Germany

Trabajos Destacados, Xavier Fiol Project Space, Madrid, Spain

Catalogue launch and new drawings exhibition, Galerie Christian Lathert, Cologne, Germany


Bartha Contemporary, London, UK Jensen Gallery Sysdney, Australia


New Works, Jensen Gallery, Sydney, Australia

Frank Gerritz and Winston Roeth, Galerie Christian Lethert, Cologne, Germany (with Frank Gerritz)


Jensen Gallery, Sydney, Australia

Xavier Fiol Galeria, Palma de Mallorca, Spain


Bartha Contemporary, London, UK

Charlotte Jackson Fine Art, Santa Fe, NM, USA

Galeria Peter Zimmermann, Mannheim, Germany


Works on Paper, Olschewski+Behm, Frankfurt, Germany

Andrew Jensen Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand

Ingleby Gallery, Edinburgh, Scotland


Andrew Jensen Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand


Xavier Fiol Galeria, Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Andrew Jensen Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand


Pablo’s Birthday, New York, NY, USA


Galerie Peter Zimmermann, Mannheim, Germany

Charlotte Jackson Fine Art, Santa Fe, NM, USA


Ingleby Gallery, Edinburgh, Scotland

Andrew Jensen Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand

Gallery Bartha Contemporary, London, UK

Galerie von Bartha, Basel, Switzerland


Charlotte Jackson Fine Art, Santa Fe, NM, USA


Andrew Jensen Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand

New Painting, Stark Gallery, New York, NY, USA


Palazzo Ducale di Sassuolo

Paintings, Stark Gallery, New York, NY, USA

Palazzo Ducale di Sassuolo, Sassuolo, Italy


Gallerie Vera Munro, Hamburg, Germany

Stark Gallery, New York, NY, USA


Angles Gallery, Santa Monica, CA, USA


Artothek, Cologne, Germany


Stark Gallery, New York, NY, USA


Galerie Vera Munro, Hamburg, Germany


Recent Paintings, Stark Gallery, New York, NY, USA


Paintings, Stark Gallery, New York, NY, USA

Drawings, Galleri Ars Nova, Goteborg, Sweden


Stark Gallery, New York, NY, USA


Galleri Ars Nova, Goteborg, Sweden


Stark Gallery, New York, NY, USA


Invitational Exhibition, Griffin McGear Gallery, New York, NY, USA


Stark Gallery, New York, NY, USA


The Ben Shahn Gallery, William Patterson College, Wayne, NJ, USA




The Unseen Masterpiece, Ingleby Gallery, Edinburgh, Scotland


Permafrost, Fox-Jensen Gallery, Sidney, Australia


Portrait without a Face, Fox-Jensen Gallery, Sidney, Australia

Twenty, Ingleby Gallery, Edinburgh, Scotland


COLOR as attitude. Ruth Ann Fredenthal, Winston Roeth, Phil Sims, Osart Gallery, Milan

IN NEUEN RÄUMEN!, Galerie Christian Lathert, Cologne, Germany

Galerie Xavier Fiol, Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Blickwechsel, Kunstraum Alexander-Buerkle, Freiburg Germany


Painting Well after Formalism, Fox-Jensen Gallery, Auckland, Australia

The Authority Of Death, Jensen Gallery Auckland, Auckland, Australia

Pink. Ruff-Nikolic-Leigh-Roeth-Knoebel-Humphries, Jensen Gallery, Sydney,

Australia Galerie Artists, Galerie Christian Lethert, Cologne, Germany


Elemental: Susan English, Winston Roeth and Greg Slick, Matteawan Gallery, New York, NY, USA connect., Galerie Kim Behm, Frankfurt, Germany

Haupt- und Nebenwege, Kunstraum Alexander Bürkle, Freiburg, Germany


Points of Orientation, Jensen Gallery, Sydney, Australia

Rim. Imi Knoebel, Winston Roeth, Tomislav Nikolic, Jensen Gallery, Sydney, Australia

Once upon a time and a very good time it was..., Ingleby Gallery, Edinburgh, Scotland

Touching Colour, Hatton Gallery, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

INDICATE, Gippsland Art Gallery, Victoria, Australia

Farben – Colours, Wilhelm-Morgner-Haus and Sammlung Schroth, Soest, Germany


Margaret Thatcher Projects, New York, NY, USA

Works on Paper, Bartha Contemporary, London, UK Fox/Jensen & Greenwood Street Project, Victoria, Australia


Naked, Jensen Gallery, Auchland, New Zealand

Painting, Howard Yezerki Gallery, Boston, MA, USA


Other Voices, Other Roomes, curated by Steven Evans, Dorsky Gallery, Long Island City, NY, USA


Straight Forward: Tobias Trutwin, Karoly Keseru, Frank Gerritz, Winston Roeth, Pablo’s Birthday, NY,

New York, USA

20/20, Jensen Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand

Recent acquisitions, Colby Museum of Art, Waterville, ME, USA


The Panza Collection: An Experience of Colour and Light, Albright-Knox, Gallery, Buffalo, New York, NY, USA

All from America (Part Two), Kunstraum Alexander Bürkle, Freiburg, Germany

Headspace, Jensen Gallery, Auchland, New Zealand


All From America (Part One), Kunstraum Alexander Bürkle, Freiburg, Germany

Detox, Jensen Gallery, New Zealand

Modern ’06, Bartha Contemporary, Residenz, Munich, Germany


Who’s Afraid of Red, Yellow and Blue? Ingleby Gallery, Edinburgh, Scotland

Reflex: The Brain Closer than the Eye, Gallery N. von Bartha, London, UK

Modern ’05, Bartha Contemporary, Residenz, Munich, Germany

First Choice, Galerie Vera Munro, Hamburg, Germany

Minimal Means, Kunstverein, Eislingen, Germany

Frank Gerritz and Winston Roeth, Galerie Peter Zimmermann, Mannheim, Germany

Lux, Jensen Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand


Einblick – Ausblick, Nusser & Baumgart Contemporary, Munich, Germany

There’s Joy in Repetition, Jensen Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand


Seascape, Landscape, Territory, Nusser Baumgart Contemporary, Munich, Germany


Galerie Vera Munro, Hamburg, Germany

White, Ingleby Gallery, Edinburgh, Scotland

Nusser & Baumgart Contemporary, Munich, Germany Bartha Contemporary, London, UK


Radical Painting, curated by Nino Weinstock, Villa Aichele, Städtische Galerie, Lörrach, Germany 1999

Then & Now, The Work Space (curated by Theresa Chong), New York, NY, USA


Andrew Jensen Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand


Andrew Jensen Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand

Drawing From Life, Stark Gallery, New York, NY, USA


La Collezione Panza di Biumo. Artist degli anni '80 e '90, Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di

Trento e Roverto, Palazzo delle Albere, Trento, Italy * White, Howard Scott-M13 Gallery, New York, NY, USA Drawings, Galerie Art In, Nuremburg, Germany


Color: Sign, System, Sensibility, Stark Gallery (curated by Richard Kalina), New York, NY, USA

The Panza di Biumo Donation, Museo Cantonale d'Arte, Lugano, Switzerland

Light/Body - Dark/Body, collaboration with Susan Osberg, dancer/ choreographer; Dia Center for the Arts and Unga Atalante, Goteborg, Sweden


The Constructive Vocabulary: An American Vision, Galerie Dr. Istvan Schlegl, Zurich, Switzerland X-Sightings, Anderson Gallery, Buffalo, New York, NY, USA

Collector's Choice: Natalie and Irving Forman, Charlotte Jackson Gallery, Santa Fe, NM, USA

Ars Nova Galleri, Goteborg, Sweden


Uses of Geometry: Winston Roeth, Cary Smith, Stephen Westfall,etc., Snyder Fine Arts, New York, USA

Supervision, Raum fur neue Kunst, Wuppertal, Germany

Sublime Presence: Stuart Arends, Madeline O'Connor, Florence, Italy

Pierce, Winston Roeth, Center for Contemporary Arts, Santa Fe, NM, USA

Contemporary Drawing - Part II, Arena, New York, NY, USA


7-NY: Directions in Abstract Painting, Studio A, Museum Moderner Kunst, Otterndorf, Germany

Painting, Stark Gallery, New York, NY, USA

Cultural Fabrication, John Good Gallery, New York, NY, USA

Mercury, Light installation, Stark Gallery (Annex), New York, NY, USA


Abstraction: Recent Prints, Betsy Senior Contemporary Prints, New York, NY, USA

The Process of Looking, Stark Gallery, New York, NY, USA

Geometric Considerations, Capital Cities/ABC, New York, NY, USA

Paper Trail, Stephen Rosenberg Gallery, New York, NY, USA


Opening Group Exhibition, Stark Gallery, New York, NY, USA

Cruciform, Stark Gallery, New York, NY, USA


M-13 Gallery, New York, NY, USA

An Extraction of Form, Robeson Center Gallery (curated by Alison Weld), Rutgers University, Newark, NJ, USA;

Three Artists Who Work With Slate, Stark Gallery, New York, NY, USA

Small Works on Paper, Susanna Sheffield Gallery, Houston, TX, USA

Pastel Drawings, Islip Museum (curated by Karen Shaw), Islip, New York, NY, USA

Light Paintings, Stark Gallery, New York, NY, USA


Collaboration with Susan Osberg, dancer/choreographer; Malcolm Goldstein, violinist/composer and Susanne Poulin, lighting designer; Dia Art Foundation, New York, NY, USA


Intuition, collaboration with Susan Osberg, choreographer and James Tenney, composer; Riverside Dance Festival, New York, NY, USA


Slate, An installation at Springs Industries; project of the Art Advisory Service, Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY, USA


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