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Franklyn DZINGAI
(Kwekwe, Zimbabwe, 1988)



Franklyn Dzingai è nato a Kwekwe, Zimbabwe, nel 1988, e oggi lavora ad Harare.

Nel 2021 è stato vincitore del premio ArtHARARE Africa. Nel 2009 ha iniziato il suo percorso di formazione presso il National Gallery of Zimbabwe Art Studio, specializzandosi nel 2011 nelle tecniche di stampa. Spesso include nel suo lavoro collage e disegni, e le sue stampe sono caratterizzate da colori vivaci. Ricava le sue immagini da libri, riviste, quotidiani e fotografie di famiglia.

Dzingai è uno dei pochi artisti in Zimbabwe ad aver approfondito il tema della stampa; ha sperimentato in particolare l'utilizzo di matrici in cartone nei processi di stampa. Questo tipo di ricerca lo ha portato a vincere diversi premi, soprattutto ad Harare. 



Where Thou Art - That - is Home, Osart Gallery, Milan, Italy 


Patonaz, Osart Gallery, Milan 

A Gathering, National Gallery of Zimbabwe

Tributaries – Contemporary Zimbabwean Narratives, Bernard Gallery, Cape Town 

Wadii?, Gallery 1957, African First, Cape Town Art Residency and artHARARE, Cape Town 


Shanduko, Osart Gallery, Milan


Freedom, Gallery Delta, Harare, Zimbabwe

Past & Present, Gallery Delta, Harare, Zimbabwe

Morgan & Co Artspiration Masked, National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe


The 45th Anniversary Exhibition, Gallery Delta, Harare, Zimbabwe

The Annual Summer Exhibition 2020 – Signs Of The Times, Gallery Delta, Harare, Zimbabwe


Rembrandt @350, National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe

The Annual Summer Exhibition, Gallery Delta, Harare, Zimbabwe

Engaging the 45th Year, Gallery Delta, Harare, Zimbabwe


Line and Form, Gallery Delta, Harare, Zimbabwe

Paper Tigers, First Floor GALLERY; Harare, Zimbabwe

Blood Relatives, National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe

Resurrection, Artillery Gallery, Harare, Zimbabwe

Harare contemporary,Circle Art Gallery, Nairobi, in collaboration with First Floor Gallery


From Line to Form II, Gallery Delta, Harare, Zimbabwe

Annual Show, National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe

Bridges V54, Lucy Chang Fine Arts, Hong Kong


Zig Zag Boundaries, National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe

Beyond the Body, Tsoko Gallery, Harare, Zimbabwe

Surface = Drawing Village Unhu

Artist in the Stream VII Gallery Delta, Harare, Zimbabwe

Young Artist Exhibition Gallery, Harare, Zimbabwe

Mask Ball Exhibition and Auction National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe

Beyond The Body Exhibition Tsoko Gallery, Harare, Zimbabwe


From Line to Form, Gallery Delta, Harare, Zimbabwe

Prominent Personalities: Portraits of Zimbabweans, National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe

Born Free a whole new mind, National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe

Artist in the Stream VI Gallery Delta, Harare, Zimbabwe

Migration, Gallery Delta, Harare, Zimbabwe

100 Hundred exhibition Village Unhu

Mharidzo Annual Show, National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe


Way Finding, Gallery Delta, Harare, Zimbabwe

Tragedy, Comedy – Faces of Mankind, Gallery Delta, Harare, Zimbabwe

Faces of Mankind, Gallery Delta, Harare, Zimbabwe

Emoji, Koovah Gallery, Harare, Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe Annual Show, National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare


Artist in the Stream IV, Gallery Delta, Harare, Zimbabwe

Chiso-Face Portrait Exhibition, First floor Gallery, Harare, Zimbabwe

No Limits competition and exhibition,First floor Gallery, Harare, Zimbabwe

100 Hundred exhibition, Alliance Francaise, Harare, Zimbabwe

MukatiUnze: Exploring the spirit of the Zambezi exhibition, National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe



Tradition, Family and Religion competition and exhibition, Gallery Delta, Harare, Zimbabwe

Artist in the Stream III, Gallery Delta, Harare, Zimbabwe

Idea of Self exhibition, National Gallery Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe

Art Alive fundraising and exhibition, National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe

Annual Art and Sport contest, Harare, Zimbabwe


Bukira | Fresh Growth, First Floor Gallery Harare, Zimbabwe

Art in the city exhibition invited guest Dario Basso, Basement Gallery

Artist in the stream II, Gallery Delta, Harare, Zimbabwe

ZviroZviedzwa (Exploration) Printmaking Exhibition, Dzimbanhete, Harare, Zimbabwe

Freedom Revisited Competition and Exhibition, Gallery Delta, Harare, Zimbabwe

Transition Student Exhibition, National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe


Changing Times Student, National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe

35 Years Zimbabwe Exhibition, National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe

Live n Direct Exhibition and Competition, National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare

Facet Zimbabwe Now Competition and Exhibition, Gallery Delta, Harare, Zimbabwe

Printmaking Exhibition – Dzimbanhete Gallery, Harare, Zimbabwe

Makuwerere Exhibition – First floor Gallery, Harare


Walls, Gallery Delta, Harare, Zimbabwe

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